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Most Common Hardware Components for 3D Printers

A 3D printing toolbox isn’t complete without the spare components necessary to build, maintain, and fix a machine. Below we highlight what each of those compnents are and what they are used for. Nuts & Bolts & Washers 3D printers commonly utilize metric components, ranging from M2 to M10-12 components for desktop models. The “M” […]


The Product Evolution Behind Drumpants, a Wearable Musical Instrument

We’re seeking out the best hardware companies to help uncover the many challenges, lessons, and philosophies behind hardware product development.  In this week’s Hardware Spotlight, we had the chance to sit down with Tyler and Lei, co-founders at DrumPants. They founded the company with the vision to pioneer a more natural way for humans to interact with their […]


Overview of Basic 3D Printing Terms

Brim A brim consists of 3D printed material that surrounds and attaches to the base of an object to aid in adhering to a bed/print surface. EEprom EEprom is like RAM for a 3D printer’s electronics. Some values can be stored here and accessed quickly, in addition to what is known in firmware and held […]


Most Common Tools for Fixing 3D Printers

Building a 3D printer from scratch is hard enough, let alone trying to build it without the right tools. Below we highlight some of the most common tools for fixing and building a 3D printer. Calipers Calipers are used to measure the distance between opposite sides of an object. Although they appear in many industries […]


Buildbed Adhesives for 3D Printers

Having the first layer stick to your 3D printing buildbed is crucial. See below for a list of common adhesives to avoid print failures and prevent warping. Tapes Kapton tape is used commonly in the aerospace industry and prized for its ability to endure considerable heat without degrading. When layering Kapton tape on a print-bed, it […]