


Navdy Heads Up Display Teardown

For this teardown, we’re joined by Telind Bench, the Lead Product Design Engineer for Orion Labs. Telind gave us a lot of great design insight into the Navdy Heads Up Display (HUD). In case you missed it, the Navdy Head Up Display was one of the more interesting new products announced in 2014. It promised augmented […]


Teforia Teardown

As winter gets underway, who among us does not appreciate a piping hot cup of tea in the afternoon? Sure, many of us are coffee drinkers, but we appreciate a civilized cup of tea, too. Our love of hot beverages had us curious about what the Teforia might bring to the table, and particularly, how […]


Segway Drift W1 e-Skates Teardown

219 Design has a special interest in last mile transportation, having worked on both scooter and bike solutions. In this teardown, we explore the possibilities for the Segway Drift W1 e-Skates. These skates are the latest innovation from Segway, the company that brought us self balancing personal transportation. They’re like mini-hoverboards for each foot. Currently […]


Robotwist Teardown

Usually, the point of a teardown is to figure out how something works—to take something complex and try to puzzle out how it works, and see what exciting new things the designers did to make this product special. This isn’t quite that type of teardown. Instead, this time, we’re going the opposite route and seeing […]


Rylo 360° Camera Teardown

For this teardown, we were joined by Jon Denby, a long time Fictiv customer and the Product Design Lead behind Rylo — a small, yet powerful 360° camera. Jon provided us with tons of great insight into the product design choices behind Rylo. Rylo’s magic lies in a phone app that stabilizes the 360° video and allows the […]


Nintendo Controller Teardown Part 2

In Part 1 of this teardown, we ventured inside 3 of Nintendo’s first controllers: the NES, Super Nintendo, and (our favorite) the N64. Now we’re making our way towards the present with Part 2, looking at the Gamecube, Wii Mote and finally the latest Wii U Gamepad. (Honorable mentions go out to the Virtual Boy controller and the Power […]


Dyson Cool

For this teardown, we were joined by long-time Fictiv partners Harald Quintus-Bosz, CTO at Cooper Perkins, and Ann Torres, VP of Engineering and Operations at Cooper Perkins. Both Harald and Ann provided us with lots of insight into the design and manufacturing processes behind the Dyson Cool bladeless fan. The Dyson Cool uses the Coanda […]


Coolest Cooler Teardown

It’s been a while since our last teardown here at Fictiv, so we knew when we came back that we had to take apart something really special. Something completely unique. Something…cool. We present: the Coolest Cooler; the Kickstarter product that swept the nation in the summer of 2014, raising $13 million dollars from over 62,000 […]


Apple AirPods vs. Google Pixel Buds Teardown

You can learn a lot from examining the ways in which different companies solve the same problem. After stripping the one-eighth-inch audio jack out of their phones, Apple and Google both needed to create a set of Bluetooth headphones, but each company took a very different approach to the solution.  Apple crafted their AirPods to […]


Halo Sport Teardown

In this teardown, we look inside a very special pair of headphones. We are not going to dig into its acoustics, because that’s not why it’s interesting. Halo Sport is a wearable neurostimulation headset that accelerates improvement from movement-based training. It’s the first consumer product of its kind; neurostimulation technology has only been used in clinical and research […]