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How to Use Fictiv’s New Uploader

We have a brand new uploader and it’s going to make your life a lot easier — promise. Now, you can upload your files just once and get unlimited quotes for all variations of materials, colors, and production speeds. To help you get started, here’s a step-by-step guide on how the process works: Step 1: […]


Guide to IoT Product Development

Introduction: A Brief History of IoT In 1926, inventor and futurist Nikola Tesla remarked upon the potential power of wireless technology to eliminate social problems arising out of the natural distance that exists between individuals and groups of people: “When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which […]


3 Best Practices for Digital Design

Just having the right tool doesn’t mean you’re necessarily getting the most out of it. Here are 3 best practices to help you get started using your chosen CAD software effectively. 1. Keep it Simple With digital tools, it’s easy to create intricate features that look great but are unnecessarily, and unrealistically, complex. So before […]


5 Amazing Uses of 3D Printing to Further Medical Advancements

Now that 3D printing is a more developed technology, the advantages it offers in the mechanical world are vast. But the power of 3D printing isn’t limited to building car parts and iPhone cases. When its vast capabilities of personalization and customization are applied to the medical field, the results are continuously pushing boundaries. From […]


4 Considerations to Help You Choose Between Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Methods

Methods Overview There’s a telling quote attributed to the great Renaissance artist, poet, and subtractive manufacturer, Michelangelo. When asked how he created his masterpiece David from a large chunk of marble, he remarked that he simply “chipped away at all of the stone that doesn’t look like David.” As engineers and artists, before we can […]


This is How an Aerospace Engineer Designs Hardware Products

For almost 5 years, James Olander worked as Senior Systems Engineer for Lockheed Martin, a large aerospace company, leveraging his degrees in Aerospace and Space Systems Engineering to develop innovative satellite technology and launch vehicles. But to be a small piece of a massive organization like Lockheed Martin, no matter how great the company or […]


Tips for Prototyping Food-Safe Products

So you’re thinking of making a food-related product that needs to be food-safe — great! This article will help guide you toward the right materials, necessary regulations and approvals, best production processes, and design considerations. Which Products and Components Need to be Food-Safe? It’s easy to remember that packaging and tableware need to be food-safe, but […]


CAD Design Terms

When learning CAD, some words may seem foreign–extrusion, chamfer, radius, and fillets aren’t exactly intutive. No worries, read up on the terms below as a refresher or an introduction to the most common CAD terms and operations. Main CAD Operations Extrude / Extrusion: An extruded face of an object expands or contracts (or cuts through/against) empty […]


Industrial Design vs Mechanical Engineering — How Endless Manages the Give and Take

Beauty and function encompass two critical elements of a hardware product: one tangible and the other intangible. For Endless Mobile, these two elements encapsulate the overarching vision for the product they sought to create: an affordable, yet delightful and luxurious computer for the developing world. For hardware companies, mechanical engineering and industrial design can sometimes appear […]


How to Reduce 3D Printing Costs by Cutting Your 3D Model

We receive a lot of questions about how to reduce the cost of 3D printing. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure your model fits on a smaller build bed to ensure the fastest build time on the cheapest machine available to produce your part. In this article we’ll show you […]