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3D Printing and the Future of Distributed Manufacturing [VIDEO]

We live in an era of centralized manufacturing. The prototyping and manufacturing ecosystem is dominated by massive companies that invest a ton of capital in warehouses full of machines that can fulfill demand. When I was at Ford’s Silicon Valley Innovation Lab working to speed up development cycles, I realized there are real problems with this system. […]


Hardware Weekly | Vol 98

The week’s top hardware news. March 18th, 2016 Products Music Packed with Dopamine One of the most anticipated wearables at CES this year is now on IndieGogo and it promises divine pleasure. Here’s how it works: by sending a gentle electrical wave through the left ear canal, it stimulates the body’s Vagus nerve, while syncing […]


The Great Robotic Vacuum Showdown Part 1: Roomba 650 — Mechanical System

The Jetsons predicted flying cars, jetpacks, and robot maids serving us lucky people living in the 21st century. Well, we kind of have two of those things, but only one has achieved mass market adoption. No… I wasn’t talking about jetpacks. iRobot is probably the brand name most commonly associated with robotic vacuums. It was […]


Hardware Weekly | Vol 97

The week’s top hardware news. March 11th, 2016 Products Zero Screen Time PrimoToys has returned to Kickstarter to launch a new Cubetto Playset. If you haven’t seen this Montessori approved wooden robot yet, you’re in for a treat. Cubetto is designed to teach kids ages three and up the basics of computer programming, along with […]


Moddler Brings Star Wars Holochess to Life with 3D Printing

Ever wonder how the fantastical creatures you see in Star Wars are brought to life? There are some incredible tools at the hands of filmmakers, animators and producers these days, one of which is 3D printing. So when Lucasfilm wanted to re-animate the lovable holochess game in The Force Awakens, they worked with Academy Award […]


Inspiration Board: Our 6 Favorite Crowdfunded Hardware Projects of 2015

Here at Fictiv, we’ve been known to spend a little bit of our workday gaining inspiration from all the creative, exciting, and just plain crazy crowdfunded projects on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. And aren’t you glad we do? Because here, without further ado, are our six favorite crowdfunded projects of 2015! 1. ShiftWear: Hipster sneakers you can […]


The Second Coming of VR: This Time It’s “Real”

Back in the 1990’s, virtual reality (VR) was a big thing. The next big thing, the media sang enthralled. Trouble was, the technology infrastructure wasn’t built out to allow any sort of appreciable user base to develop, and so VR stayed on the fringes, its tentative flames kept alive by a small contingent of diehard […]


Hardware Weekly | Vol 96

The week’s top hardware news. March 4th, 2016. Products Kiddie STEM Kit If these are the toys children play with these days, can’t help but wonder what rockets they’ll be building by 7th grade. Take $100 Tio, a STEM kit available on Kickstarter, that features loose tech parts (wheels, pulleys, adaptors) to encourage mini makers […]


People Are Not Things: How to Build Healthy Culture

Growing up, books and the people they contained were the most important thing in my life. The characters I read about dramatically influenced my personal philosophy, whether it was the compassion of Jean Valjean or the fierce protectiveness of Jo March. One of my favorite series is the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, which introduced […]


The Zen of Product Design: How Lockitron Let Go of the Extraneous and Non Essential

Entrepreneurs are known for falling so hard for their own products that they can’t see past all the fancy features. Not to knock all those labors of love, but when it comes to building products that work (and brands that last), a little cool-headed distance goes a long way. Certain industries lend themselves better to […]